Complete this form to become a Friend and tell us your preferences, so that we can update you on the impact your support is making for the girl students in Ibba. If you change your mind, you can update your preferences or opt out at any time.
Our updated privacy policy is on our website here, and covers how we collect, hold and use your data, as well as your data rights.
Have questions? Get in touch! We would love hearing from friends and we want to help with your queries.
Post: 77 Styvechale Avenue, Coventry, CV5 6DW, UK

FIGS is a UK-registered charity, no. 1146220, registered to the above address.
* indicates required
We need your email address even if you opt to receive communications by post only, so that we know which addresses to stop sending to.
We only need this if you want us to contact you by post.
Because if you are 13 or under, we need your parent or guardian's consent, too.